Introduction to Coaching Education

(as publised on

The presentation of the U.S. Soccer coaching curriculum is another major step in the implementation of the framework developed by the Player Development Task Force, which was created in 2006 to review all aspects of player development in the United States and recommend a course of action.

The curriculum is designed to improve development of players in the organized player base in the United States, concentrating on  creating more organized, age-appropriate training sessions, developing coaching practices and creating an environment that is fun for the players.

The curriculum builds on the successful launch and growth of the U.S. Soccer Development Academy. Initiated in the fall of 2007 after a detailed review of player development systems in the U.S. and across the world, the Development Academy has improved the training environment; provided relevant, high-level matches on a consistent basis; increased the level and efficiency of scouting for the national teams and provided players, coaches and referees with more structured programming.

The Curriculum

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Watch Claudio Reyna give full curriculum presentation